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What is Prime Publishing?

Prime Publishing is a hybrid publishing program designed for writers who are committed to making a significant impact with their book. By participating in this program, writers can enjoy the benefits of both worlds: they receive the expert guidance and support of a traditional publishing house, while still retaining the freedom and control that comes with self-publishing. Every manuscript is reviewed by our editors and checked for potential plagiarism issues before publication. While most self-publishing programs are designed for average writers, Prime Publishing offers bespoke publishing services. Each publishing project includes a set of unique service vouchers that allow writers to choose from a variety of marketing services based on their specific requirements. Each book is published meeting the requirements of the writers, ensuring 100% satisfaction guaranteed. Every book published with Prime Publishing receives a Prime badge on its back cover and becomes eligible for offline and library distribution in India.

Authors Love us

Charu Batra

The services by Walnut Publication were impeccable, they offered support throughout the publishing process. I have published one book with them and planning another one, staff is approachable and packages are affordable.

Charu Batra Author of The Giggle Quotient
