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What is Lite Publishing?

Lite Publishing is the most cost-effective option available for aspiring authors and independent writers. With our cost-effective approach, writers saves money by choosing a template based book cover and interior. Walnut Publication takes care of the sales, distribution, and marketing of the book. Unlock your creative potential with No Frills Lite Publishing, the ultimate solution for authors on a budget.

Voice of Authors

Vijay Singh

In June 2023, I published "The Biggest Health and Economic Crisis of the Last 100 Years". The printing quality of this publication, outer cover design, inner cover design, attention to spelling, author and publisher agreement, promptness and transparency in ISBN, prompt correspondence through e-mail and phone, honesty in royalties and transparency, publication of book in a short span of time, adequate attention to marketing and publicity of the book, the proof of this is the participation of the publisher in state and world level fairs and providing certificates for encouragement to writers. That is commendable. I wish all the best for the future of Walnut Publication and congratulate all the members of the editorial team. I pray to God that Walnut Publication continues to move forward on the path of progress.

Vijay Singh Author of पिछले 100 साल का सबसे बडा स्वास्थ्य एवं आर्थिक संकट
