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What is Lite Publishing?

Lite Publishing is the most cost-effective option available for aspiring authors and independent writers. With our cost-effective approach, writers saves money by choosing a template based book cover and interior. Walnut Publication takes care of the sales, distribution, and marketing of the book. Unlock your creative potential with No Frills Lite Publishing, the ultimate solution for authors on a budget.

Voice of Authors

Mohammad Aga Hussain

I was overwhelmed to have the services from Walnut Publication. Their response was instant, educative, cooperative displaying professional values and ethics. The end product coming to my hands was far better than what I was expecting with unmatched quality which inspired me to associate with them once more for another project which wouldn't have been possible without their friendly, cooperative behavior and support. I wish all the best to them in their future endeavours and wish the same cooperation from them to all the upcoming writers in future also.

Mohammad Aga Hussain Author of Aspire to Inspire (A Way of Life)
