

Author(s): Rajeev Nanda

  • Language:
  • English
  • Genre(s):
  • General Fiction
  • ISBN13:
  • 9798891710962
  • ISBN10:
  • 8891710962
  • Format:
  • Ebook
  • Pages:
  • 223
  • Publication date:
  • 20-Apr-2024

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Audiobook available at

This book found itself many readers. A lot of them loved it and some found it painful to read. My gratitude goes to all those who read and shared their views on it. I will consider it as success for this book if the stories and poems make you think, reflect, and develop new perspectives and some conversations of your own.

Rajeev Nanda

Rajeev Nanda

Rajeev Nanda is a technologist and author of multiple books, both fiction and non-fiction. He also blogs on various topics on his website – https://rnanda.com.

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