Environmental imbalance is a serious and burning problem in which not only India but the whole world is worried. Today humans, wildlife and water, life etc. are being affected by environmental imbalances. All creatures including humans are the product of the environment, only humans and other organisms can remain healthy in a clean environment. Today, not only in India, the need for environmental studies is being sought all over the world. Environmental study is the analysis and study of various economic, public, scientific and ethical objects of nature and the world composed by humans. In view of its universal importance, the University Grants Commission has made this course mandatory at the undergraduate level. Written by Dr. Rohit Kumar Bargah, this book follows the UGC syllabus to simplify the scientific aspects of science, arts, commerce, management, law, engineering, pharmacy and medicine to make the subject comprehensible to the students. Has been written This book will be useful for various competitive examinations with details of all important components of the environment. It is capable of meeting the requirements of the students' environmental studies curriculum. In this book, unit 8 contains the most important fieldwork (Thpmaskuwata). Modern information about every subject has been provided in the book. Which is given fullness by pictures, tables and examples and with case study. For the convenience of the participants, at the end of each chapter a list of case studies, multiple choice, short answer, long answer questions and interesting facts related to the subject matter, definitions-vocabulary, model question paper, short words are given. By reading this book, it will prove useful for any students and teachers as well as competitive examiners, voluntary organizations and everyone interested in the environment.