In "Widhwa", the poignant narrative unfolds against the backdrop of societal norms and historical reforms. Set in the post-Sati era, 27 years after its abolition by the East India Company, the story delves into the complexities of widow remarriage, a practice still grappling with deep-rooted prejudices in Hindu society. Amidst a stringent selection process for marriages, a determined urban guardian champions the cause of widows' remarriage, only to face the harsh reality of compromising with unworthy suitors. The plot takes a sinister turn when a wealthy, scheming widower disrupts the protagonist's journey to find love anew, resorting to vile tactics like abduction. As the tale unfolds, the young widow's courage is put to the test, leading to a heart-wrenching escape from her family home. "Widhwa" is a riveting portrayal of societal challenges, personal resilience, and the enduring struggle for love and freedom in the face of oppressive traditions.