"The Constant Mental Psychology in Tennis" is a must-read book for tennis enthusiasts, dedicated to exploring the crucial role of mental strength in the game of tennis. The book covers a broad range of topics, including the mental game, strategy, analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of opponents, top-level critical situations, the heat of the moment, and the importance of shifting one's perspective. The author emphasizes the critical psychological aspects of tennis that players often overlook, such as mental imagery, visualization, and goal setting. The book contains practical advice and techniques on how to develop mental toughness, overcome fear, and achieve success on the court. One of the most interesting aspects of the book is its focus on the scenario of Indian tennis. The author shares valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities unique to Indian tennis players, making it an invaluable resource for aspiring tennis players from India. Moreover, the book is dedicated to the greatest of all time in tennis, Roger Federer. The author analyses Federer's mental game and shares valuable insights into how he has been able to maintain his dominance in the game for over two decades. "The Constant Mental Psychology in Tennis" is a comprehensive and engaging book that covers every psychological aspect of tennis. It offers practical advice and techniques to help players develop mental toughness, overcome fear, and achieve success on the court.