
Shri Ram

Author(s): Sanat Malhotra

  • Language:
  • English
  • Genre(s):
  • Short Stories
  • ISBN13:
  • 9789355742629
  • ISBN10:
  • 9355742622
  • Format:
  • Paperback
  • Trim:
  • 6x9
  • Pages:
  • 249
  • Publication date:
  • 21-Jul-2022

  •   Available, Ships in 3-5 days
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Young Satvir is exasperated by his younger sister Riya, who has become a blind follower of her grandfather's religious idealism. With a resolve to get back at them, the pragmatic teenager decides to challenge his archaic grandfather as he recites the myth of the man he meticulously reveres. All of us have heard the story of Ramayana! But how does the epic contribute to our lives? Why is Rama, deified by the generations, considered the ideal man? Read on as we revisit the story written by Valmiki and relish the journey of the superman called Rama, as he travels from Ayodhya to Lanka.

Sanat Malhotra

Sanat Malhotra

The Author was born in New Delhi, India. He has been engaged in spiritual practices since a young age. He is well versed with the deep knowledge of the Vedas, Upanishads and Puranas.

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