Pre conception Obstetrics was very well studied and described in Ayurveda Classical Texts. It has mentioned various factors affecting the pregnancy care and outcome. Speedy and stressful life has long term impact on foetus and on newborn child. It is evidenced that; pregnancy and post-delivery care has got utmost importance in women's life and still lot of pregnancy has shocking outcomes. Post-delivery care in Ayurveda starts with Dietary regimen and environmental conditions where the woman stays. Ayurveda concepts of pregnancy care, post-delivery care and lactational care are elaborated in the book. Ayurveda physicians in different traditional/ classical text books have mentioned the evidenced based literature. Ancient Ayurveda physicians emphasized on change in psychological behaviour like fear and anger. Even a minute shock during pregnancy can disturb the foetal life. Acharya Charaka has mentioned that psychological disturbances can be a one of the reasons for congenital anomalies of foetus. To create positive pregnancy atmosphere, Ayurveda and Yoga is playing significant role.
This book also elaborates Polycystic Ovarian Disorder (PCOD) found in young adolescent girls across the globe and a thought about the Ayurveda Treatment in PCOD. Satvavjay Chikitsa, treatment for maintaining the mental health also has a significance during PCOD management.