

AKA: किरचन
Author(s): Dr. Hafeez Uddin Ahmed Kirmani

  • Language:
  • Hindi
  • Genre(s):
  • Poetry
  • ISBN13:
  • 9788119232468
  • ISBN10:
  • 8119232461
  • Format:
  • Ebook
  • Pages:
  • 129
  • Publication date:
  • 23-May-2023

Available at

Kirchan is a collection of free verse poetry that has sprouted from the soil of the poet’s heart made rich and fertile by experiences – some lived, some witnessed as an outsider. These subtle and at times not-so- subtle expressions of poetry are not just the musings of the poet but a reflection of feelings that at some time or the other pass through every heart whether of a king or a pauper, a scholar or an unlettered man, a romantic or a skeptic, a man of the world or an ascetic in the mountains.

Dr. Hafeez Uddin Ahmed Kirmani

Dr. Hafeez Uddin Ahmed Kirmani

Dr. Hafeez Uddin Ahmed Kirmani is a distinguished author and a polyglot who has many works to his credit. His works have been published in Hindi, Urdu, Persian and English. He transliterated ‘Bikhre Moti’, the collection of Urdu poems of Dr. M.N. Saxena 'Aseer', into Devnaagri.

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