Vector Image of a book
The Importance of Marketing Your Book on Amazon

Marketing your book effectively is crucial for self-published authors, and Amazon is one of the most powerful platforms to achieve this. Amazon is the largest online retailer in the world,…

A person writing
5 Mistakes to Avoid while Submitting Your Manuscript

While focusing on completing your manuscript, many times you might overlook some of the important details before submitting the manuscript to the publisher. Don’t worry, we have your back, following…

Why are Book Covers an Important Part of a Book?

Book covers are the first thing that people notice when they see books on the shelves. It is important for covers to be attractive and eye catchy, but they should…

Book Cover Trends of 2023

Book cover catches the eye of the reader before they open the book to read it. Therefore, it is important to use attractive illustrations on the cover to lure readers…