Tabassum Nasrat

Tabassum Nasrat

Living amidst nature and quiet, I had a lot of conversations to myself. Each day I learnt something new about myself, a new emotion, a new liking. I was ready to learn, unlearn and relearn. From my early days where I tried so hard to be able to write, where most of it was indignant, I have come a long way to understanding variations in this form of art. This is my way of expressing what I cannot otherwise in reality (well at least most of the time). I am an engineer by profession, but playing with words has always been a thing for me, like throwing colours at a canvas and hoping to find that one masterpiece. I am a lot of things, introverted, wild, carefree, but I am lost without my feelings, and my words. I always had my inhibitions but now here I am. Thanks to my Mum and Dad who pushed me in every way they could and believed in me. 

Books by Tabassum Nasrat
Of Dreams and Desires, Love and Such!: A book of all and nothing at all

Of Dreams and Desires, Love and Such!: A book of all and nothing at all

ISBN: 9788119232291
Language: English
Published: 2023
