P. Sakthivel

P. Sakthivel

Dr. P. Sakthivel, M.Sc. (Phy)., M.Sc. (IT)., M.Phil. (Phy), M.Phil., (CS)., Ph.D.  He specializes in various areas of physical sciences such as Nanotechnology, Thin Film, Crystallography, etc. He is working as an Associate Professor in the Department of Physics, Urumu Dhanalakshmi College, Tiruchirappalli-19, Tamil Nadu, India. He has worked as Head of the Department of various disciplines like Industrial Electronics, Applied Physics and Computer Science in the Self-Financing stream of Urumu Dhanalakshmi College, Tiruchirappalli, from the date of joining, with more than 30 years of experience, for his perpetual excellence in academics. He has published over 80 articles in the reputed international journals of Crystallography and Nanoscience and technology.

Books by P. Sakthivel
Advanced Research in Physical and Biological Sciences

Advanced Research in Physical and Biological Sciences

ISBN: 9789355742612
Language: English
Published: 2022
