Dr. Shabir Ahmad Ganai completed his Masters from Karnataka and his Doctoral degree from Tamil Nadu. Following this Dr. Ganai served as Research Associate in National Brain Research Centre Haryana. Dr. Ganai received a big grant from Science and Engineering Research Board and served as Principal Investigator at the University of Kashmir for a period of three years.
Dr. Ganai has cleared National Eligibility Test (NET), Jammu and Kashmir State Eligibility Test (JK-SET) and Graduate Aptitude Test (GATE) in Life Sciences twice (GATE-XL 2020 and GATE- XL 2022) with Biochemistry as the main subject. During the year Dr. Ganai qualified JK-SET only top 6% of the candidates were considered for final selection. In GATE Life Sciences of 2020, Dr. Ganai got over 97 percentile (AIR-602 among 20646 candidates) and the exam was conducted by IIT-Delhi. In GATE 2022, Dr. Ganai secured above 95 percentile (AIR-1400 among 30336 candidates) and the exam was conducted by IIT-Kharagpur.
Dr. Ganai has received two consecutive best Oral Presentation Awards from the Department of Food Science and Technology, University of Kashmir. He has participated in multiple International and National conferences. He has presented his research work in Centre for Cell and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad and IISc Bangalore. Dr. Ganai served as a Resource Person in two days State Level Workshop on Basic Techniques of Bioinformatics and Drug Designing organized by Cluster University Srinagar (2-3 May 2017). Two years later Dr. Ganai was invited by Centre of Bioinformatics, University of Kashmir to serve as a Resource Person in One day National Level Workshop on Fundamentals of Drug Designing (21 March, 2019).
Dr. Shabir Ahmad Ganai has authored 31 publications in highly reputed international journals. Apart from this Dr. Ganai has authored two International Books in the area of Biomedical Sciences published by Springer-Nature. Further he has published 3 book chapters in Springer Encyclopedia of Molecular Life Sciences. He has guest edited a thematic issue of journal Current Medicinal Chemistry. Dr. Ganai is currently serving as a referee for various international journals including PLOS One, Current Drug Targets, Medicinal Chemistry Research, Nature Scientific Reports, BMC Gastroenterology, Frontiers in Pharmacology, Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry and many more.
Dr. Ganai has 611 citations with h-index of 16 and i-10 of 22. Dr. Ganai is Member of Epigenetics Society and American Chemical Society.