Prof. Dr. K. Murugavel, Registrar (i/c) is a Senior Professor and Head of the Department of Physical Education. He has vast experience of 31 years at Bharathiar University, he held many responsible positions, such as Member Syndicate, Dean of Education, Senate Member, Liaison Officer for search Committee, VC Selection – Bharathiar University.
He has published four books and 74 articles. He has produced an Olympian Mr. C. Thirugnanadurai who participated in a 100 meter run at Sydney Olympics.
He acted as Chairman at various National and International conferences and contributed and presented many articles at national and international level conferences.
He is the recipient of “Life Time Achievement Award” (2018), By Nature Science Foundation, Coimbatore 641 004, “Life Achievement Award” (2019), by Research Novel Academy, Pondicherry.