A. Sathish Babu

A. Sathish Babu

Dr. A. Sathish Babu M.Com., M.B.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., working as Professor & Head VRS & YRN P.G College, Chirala Andhra Pradesh India has more than 30 years of post-Graduate teaching experience. He is a prolific writer. He has published more than 100 articles on contemporary economic and business issues. He had prepared study material on various management subjects to Acharya Nagarjuna University. He has chaired several technical sessions in National seminars and gave more than 40 invited lectures in different parts of India. He has organized 4 national seminars. He has completed one UGC sponsored project. He is an expert examiner for JNTU Kakinada. He has published 12 books and prominent among them are “Tourism Development in India,” “Human Resource Development -Text and cases”,” Business environment”,” Ethics and values”,” E-commerce” for post graduate students of commerce and business administration. Four M.Phils and 6 Ph.D’s were awarded under his guidance and another 8 scholars are pursuing their research. He has adjudicated more than 180 Ph.D theses of University of Madras, Bharatiyar University, Bharatidasan University, SRTM University, University of Pune; RTM Nagpur University, Bharatiya Vidya Peeth, Tilak Mahavidya Peeth and University of Mumbai. He was awarded young teachers award by Andhra Pradesh Government and life time achievement award for his contribution in teaching, publications and Research.

Books by A. Sathish Babu
Entrepreneurship and Incubation: Text and Cases

Entrepreneurship and Incubation: Text and Cases

ISBN: 9789355740502
Language: English
Published: 2022
