Educational Qualifications: B.Sc. from Rohilkhand University; M.Sc. (Dairying) from the National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal; Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Literature in Public Administration from Lucknow University.
Professional Experience: Forty-two years in the development sector through research, capacity building and practice in policy advocacy, project management, governance, livelihoods, vocational skills, financial inclusion, poverty alleviation, gender equality and strengthening of community institutions. He has worked in NABARD for more than twenty-two years. There he was involved in the implementation of poverty alleviation programs, microfinance, strengthening of rural financial institutions, and district planning. He was also the nominee director of a regional rural bank (government bank) at Bareilly (UP). He was engaged in training, research, and consultancy at the Bankers Institute for Rural Development, Lucknow. As the managing director of Rajasthan Mission for Skills and Livelihoods, he was entrusted with implementing livelihood initiatives in Rajasthan with support from GoR and UNDP. As a project director at Rajasthan Grameen Vikas Parishad (RGAVP), he managed the implementation of five projects – RRLP (World Bank), MPOWER (IFAD), NRLM and NRLP (GoI) and MKSP (GoI). He has also worked for the National Rural Livelihood Mission on thematic issues of social development, institutional building, financial inclusion, and financial literacy. As the state head of UNDP, Madhya Pradesh, his primary responsibilities were coordination with the state government on various aspects of planning, policy advocacy, convergence, etc. He has extensively worked on innovative models of entrepreneurship promotion in India. He extensively worked on SDG and TADP (Aspirational Districts). He has experience working with the State Dairy Cooperative Federation, nationalized commercial banks, and eminent NGOs.